Web Accessibility Study Group


The GitHub repo is the "source of truth" and the most up to date information!

Greetings and welcome to the Web Accessibility Study Group!

Here is the YouTube video of the live info session going over all the information found in this site and the Web Accessibility Study Group's GitHub repository.


Please note: As the main goal of this project is to make the study plan avaliable in an accessible format, this page is unfinished.

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About Our Study Group

What is the Web Accessibility Study Group?

This is a study group for individuals who would like support and community as they learn web accessibility topics. The group follows a 16 week study guide outlining topics from web accessibility fundamentals to Javascript ARIA widgets. Our official study plan can be found at https://github.com/users/codingtherapist/projects/1

When and Where We Meet


Starting January 18th, once a week on Thursdays in between 4PM EST and 630pm EST. The first cohort for the 8 week study group covering Web Accessibility Fundamentals for the IAAP CPACC has finished, live stream recordings can be found on youtube at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLsW30U_WCtctxoZz-lRF7O9wIcUl34g0


Twitch Live Stream for 1 - 3 hours Discord (check the our Welcome and Introductions Page for instructions on how to gain access)

Who This Group Is For

Web developers who want to learn more about Web Accessibility and how to build inclusive, human centered web applications Web accessibility professionals interested in a refresh or learning community Individuals studying for the following certifications: Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Trusted Tester Certification The International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP) certifications including the Certified Professional in Accessibility Core Competencies (CPACC) and the Web Accessibility Specialist (WAS) Web accessibility professionals interested in mentoring or helping members by: Leading or facilitating the learning of a topic during live streams via co streaming a study session on twitch with @africakenyah Helping out in the chat with questions members may have during live streams or on Discord/ Github discussions



Please join us officially by going to our discussions page and introducing yourself! Welcome and Introductions Page


Get yourself aquainted with the study plan, homework, and outlines we will be using. WILL PUT THE TEXT BELOW INTO A LIST! There is homework and material to review in the homework/readings section of our project page for each week. The material in the homework week 0 section will help to get you started on understanding the fundamentals of web accessibility. These should be completed to ensure we are all on the same page with the same base of knowledge. You can find the videos you need to watch before starting the first study session below: Note: if you are on the mobile app, tap the link below and scroll down to "homework/ readings week 0 prereqs before we start"

Web Accessibility Group Study Outline Material

Our official study plan lives in the "projects" section of Github and contains the material we are learning each week. The web version for the study plan can be found here Study Plan in Dark Theme Each week has an outline of what we will be studying on stream and homework, with an area for comments if anyone has any questions or comments etc.

Below is the material we will be using as we study weekly to supplement the above study guide:

If you are not familiar with the WAS or CPACC please read the "About" material linked below. WILL PUT THE TEXT BELOW INTO A LIST! The "Study Outline" is what we will be following loosely during live streams, starting with the CPACC outline. The "Body of Knowledge" is the official documentation for that topic ranging from 102 pages for the CPACC and 42 pages for the WAS. The sample questions are question we should be able to answer once we finish studying that section. If you'd like to learn more about the IAAP which is the association that holds these certifications check out IAAP

Certified Professional in Accessibility Core Competencies (CPACC)

Web Accessibility Specialist (WAS)

DHS Trusted Tester


This is not a structured accessibility learning course, it is a study group

This is a study group for newbies and professionals who would like to get together to study accessibility topics. While @africakenyah feels confident in her skills in accessibility testing, she does not have a lot of experience shipping accessible code. We will be learning and studying those concepts together, building things that may or may not work. If you are interested in learning in a casual, low stakes environment with other accessibility enthusiasts, this is the right place. If you are interested in a structured web accessibility course, this is not a good fit.

Members can join the livestream via video as a guest on twitch!

We will be streaming weekly on twitch, sharing concepts and live coding accessible elements. While @africakenyah will be the one streaming, others in the study group can join the stream via video as a co-streamer on any week. Co- streamers can choose to teach the group a concept, ask questions, or just turn their camera on and study silently. Alternatively (and highly encouraged), accessibility professionals with experience can request to lead the study group and give clarity on the subjects we are learning for the week. A calendly calendar will be created for members to sign up for co streaming any of the upcoming weeks. The twitch chat will always be available for communication to those who prefer to chat and watch only.

We will meet weekly, but life happens

While the intent is to meet every week and hold ourselves accountable to that, life happens. As a full time professional with a personal life, there may be weeks we do not meet on twitch. However, the discord will always be available for members to chat and meet for silent study or discussion at their discretion. If anyone else has a twitch and would like to lead a week, that is an option as well!